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Showing posts from February, 2019

Unit 1: Revision

That's the content covered! Your job now is to prepare a solid bank of revision that you can memorise to be ready for the exam on the morning of Wednesday 22nd May. To be clear about what you need to prepare, you need to be able to: 1. Clearly and succinctly explain the idea, organisation or concept 2. Give a real , specific and relatively detailed example/case study to back it up I have sent you the Word table below to guide your revision preparation. If you don't spend significant time preparing and revising the material regularly , your grade will not improve from the mock. DISCLAIMER: This list won't guarantee success and there is always room for additional research in every area! Focus Notes and examples/case studies The different media sectors Conglomerates Independent companies Joint venture Public service ownership Vertical integration ...

Unit 1: Copyright and Intellectual Property

BBFC Documentary

BBFC Documentary link: There are a number of case studies in the film that can be used to show the process and decision making of classification and censorship organisations. There are also good examples of films that caused public offence.

Unit 1: Media Regulatory Bodies

Unit 1: Media Effects Debates and Moral Panic