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Showing posts from October, 2018

Halloween Blog Check - Super Spooky

Hello! It occurs to me as I look through your blogs that you need a guide to what I think should be there. Below, I will lay out a comprehensive list of everything you could/should have on your blog. I realise some of you take notes elsewhere, but I should definitely be able to see homework/case study tasks: Deadpool 2 post (not essesntial) Guilty pleasure post (not essential) Table of media sectors Media ownership models Company operating structures (vertical, horizontal etc.) Media job roles Kerranng case study following the questions given Trial assessment work 6 question test Digital advertising methods - including Ganguly article questions Group advertising case study presentation (or link to it) Web 2.0 timed essay Technological convergence details My media consumption homework X Factor case study homework Notes on codes and conventions Group codes and conventions case study presentation (or link to it) We've covered a fair amount and it is all revision...

Unit 1 LO3 - Codes and Conventions

Digital Distribution and Convergence

Distribution: Traditional and Digital

Advertising Case Studies

Dulcie-Anne and Snezana: Julius: Dylan, Eva, Sean, Seb: Ben, Noel, Phillip, Tom: Emily and Rylee:  (when Rylee uploads he slides!)

Advertising Case Studies

Web 2.0

The Evolution of Digital Advertising

Read the following article by Sonny Ganguly 1. According to Ganguly, what three main advantages does social media have over some traditional advertising methods (try to learn the bullet pointed examples of targeting)? 2. Pick one media product you have watched or interacted with in the past month. In what ways has the social media advertising for the product reached you? You could present your ideas as a mind map with specific examples This doesn't require a lot of writing. What I am looking for is for you to try to get a recent, relevant example of how advertising through social media targets you.

Above and Below the Line Advertising

Advertising Histories

Unit 1 - Knowlegde Check 1

Unit 1 LO2 - Advertising Types